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Flagyl 400Mg X 100 Tablets (Blisters)



Flagyl 400 Tablet is an antibiotic that aids your body’s ability to fight infections caused by bacteria and parasites. It is used in the treatment of infections of the liver, stomach, intestines, vagina, brain, heart, lungs, bones, and skin. Flagyl 400 Tablet aids in the prevention of infection following surgery. It’s also used to treat tooth infections, leg ulcers, and pressure sores. This medication is taken after the meals. To get the most benefit and advantages out of it, take it at the same time every day. The amount you are prescribed will depend on what you are being treated for and how severe your condition is, but you must take this antibiotic exactly as directed by your doctor. Your symptoms may improve in a short period of time, but do not stop taking them until you have completed a treatment course, even if you feel well. If you discontinue it too early, some bacteria might still survive and the infection might reoccur. Do not consume alcohol while taking this medication or for several days after stopping it


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