Maximum erectionnIncreased libidonProlonged actionnIncreased stamina and energynFertility (improved sperm count)nLooking at each of these benefits critically:nMAXIMUM ERECTIONnTribulus terrestris, a herb present in NATURE’S FIELD ADAM’S DESIRE, has been used for centuries to enhance sexual performance in men and stimulate libido. Recent investigations too have shown, that this herb increases the release of nitric oxide from the lining of the blood vessels and nerves that supply blood to the penis. In turn, nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels allowing greater engorgement of blood within the erectile tissues of the genitalia. This results to a firmer, longer lasting erection and increased sensitivity.nnINCREASED LIBIDOnMuira Puama, a herb also found in NATURE’S FIELD ADAM’S DESIRE, have been reported by researchers to show significant improvements in the frequency of sexual desire, sexual intercourse and fantasies as well as in satisfaction with sex life. Studies indicate that it increases sexual performance and libido in men. Damiana another constituent in NATURE’S FIELD ADAM’S DESIRE, is associated with improvement of sexual function in men, it increases sensitivity of genital tissues with aging, sensitivity of these tissues is often reduced due to fewer functioning nerve endings. Damiana helps to compensate for this effect, re-establishing heightened sensitivity and arousal capabilities.nnPROLONGED ACTIONnGinkgo biloba is a natural aphrodisiac. It stimulates blood circulation in the body including the penis. This helps erection last longer and extend the time for ejaculation. As a reliable peripheral vasodilator, Ginkgo is an excellent supportive agent to help remedy erectile dysfunction. It increases blood circulation and flow of oxygen to the brain, helping counter the negative effects of antidepressants on sexual function. It has a direct effect on endothelial cells that enhance blood flow of both penile arteries and veins without any change in systemic blood pressure. Gingko supports sexual function by enhancing blood circulation while concurrently improving the nitric oxide pathways that is an essential step in the erection process.

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Adam’S Desire X 60 Tablets
Maximum erectionnIncreased libidonProlonged actionnIncreased stamina and energynFertility (improved sperm count)nLooking at each of these benefits critically:nMAXIMUM ERECTIONnTribulus terrestris, a herb present in NATURE’S FIELD ADAM’S DESIRE, has been used for centuries to enhance sexual performance in men and stimulate libido. Recent investigations too have shown, that this herb increases the release of nitric oxide from the lining of the blood vessels and nerves that supply blood to the penis. In turn, nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels allowing greater engorgement of blood within the erectile tissues of the genitalia. This results to a firmer, longer lasting erection and increased sensitivity.nnINCREASED LIBIDOnMuira Puama, a herb also found in NATURE’S FIELD ADAM’S DESIRE, have been reported by researchers to show significant improvements in the frequency of sexual desire, sexual intercourse and fantasies as well as in satisfaction with sex life. Studies indicate that it increases sexual performance and libido in men. Damiana another constituent in NATURE’S FIELD ADAM’S DESIRE, is associated with improvement of sexual function in men, it increases sensitivity of genital tissues with aging, sensitivity of these tissues is often reduced due to fewer functioning nerve endings. Damiana helps to compensate for this effect, re-establishing heightened sensitivity and arousal capabilities.nnPROLONGED ACTIONnGinkgo biloba is a natural aphrodisiac. It stimulates blood circulation in the body including the penis. This helps erection last longer and extend the time for ejaculation. As a reliable peripheral vasodilator, Ginkgo is an excellent supportive agent to help remedy erectile dysfunction. It increases blood circulation and flow of oxygen to the brain, helping counter the negative effects of antidepressants on sexual function. It has a direct effect on endothelial cells that enhance blood flow of both penile arteries and veins without any change in systemic blood pressure. Gingko supports sexual function by enhancing blood circulation while concurrently improving the nitric oxide pathways that is an essential step in the erection process.
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