Super Apeti Plus contains a unique combination of Cyproheptadine, Lysine and Vitamins.nCyproheptadine and Lysine being essential in limiting amino acid helps to promote appetite.nIt helps gain weight fast within 1 week or 2 weeks of use.nIt makes you eat and thereby depositing flesh to the slim bodyn. Your clothes start getting tighter after consuming a bottle.nIt is the fastest weight gainer & enlargement supplement and the great thing about this product is that it doesn’t add to your cheeks thereby making your face wide, just to the body alone.

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Super Apeti Plus Syrup
Super Apeti Plus contains a unique combination of Cyproheptadine, Lysine and Vitamins.nCyproheptadine and Lysine being essential in limiting amino acid helps to promote appetite.nIt helps gain weight fast within 1 week or 2 weeks of use.nIt makes you eat and thereby depositing flesh to the slim bodyn. Your clothes start getting tighter after consuming a bottle.nIt is the fastest weight gainer & enlargement supplement and the great thing about this product is that it doesn’t add to your cheeks thereby making your face wide, just to the body alone.
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